Feedback from some of our Natural Cleaning Specialists…
Honestly, I love working for Ecolistic with Jane Vincent. No stress, barely have to talk to anyone, cleaning is kind of like meditating, get to work in cool houses and meet amazing cats and dogs and babies sometimes. Clients are all very nice. It’s not even that gross to be honest. All the other cleaners are cool, and the schedule is pretty flexible. If you are reliable and will actually do a good job cleaning- because yes you better believe that we are actually expected to clean- you’ll like this job. The people we work for deserve the best best best!
Really love all the people I get to work with at Ecolistic! 🙂
Hey Jane, I have been with you a long time cumulatively and I’d like to graduate into further domains of work and life. I am extremely grateful for you and Courtney, the business, and everyone I’ve worked with. I’m grateful for the time with my co-workers in the field. I’m grateful for how pleasant and courteous you’ve been to me and how helpful and flexible you are. You are a truly humanist business owner and awesome human yourself and I have a lot of love and respect for you.